Additional years of regional phosphorus data now available

Regional reports from the Lake Winnipeg Community-Based Monitoring Network (LWCBMN)’s 2020 and 2021 field seasons have now been released!
These reports provide a detailed look at site-specific data collected from each LWCBMN sampling region: critical information for land managers, policy makers and funders seeking to address the eutrophication of Lake Winnipeg.
Pandemic-related lab closures throughout 2020 and 2021 prevented us from processing thousands of collected water samples – which in turn, delayed our ability to analyze and share data. Karl, LWF’s Field & Data Technician, has been working extremely hard to address this backlog, focusing first on 2022 data, which was publicly shared in a series of reports released this past March.
With the release of 2020-2022 LWCBMN data, the network now has seven continuous years of data to guide efforts to target phosphorus-reduction initiatives in phosphorus hotspots!
We are so glad to have caught up on both lab and data analysis, and anticipate being able to return to a regular annual data-sharing schedule in 2024 and ongoing.